Wednesday, 30 December 2009

One of many

So here were are. My first post on the Broad St. blog.

Despite not actually living in Oxford anymore, deciding instead to live in the city where the streets are paved with gold, Dick Van Dyke dances around your chimney pot and a buying a pint leaves you with no change from a fiver, I have somehow become nominated as an author on this here blog.

My role here is simple. Having been deemed to haveexceptional taste in the fairer sex, and knowing full-well that skateboarders do not attract females due to our withered bones, gnarled toes and post-skate aroma, I aim to provide a visual treat for you lot reading this whenever I remember to use the internet for something other than YouthTube.

What you shall see in the forthcoming weeks and months is the finest feminine specimens the world has to offer in a completely subjective manner, appreciating the beauty that has been put on this earth for us to gaze upon, worship, and generally treat like the goddesses they are.

After all, you can't have the name Broad Sreet without the 'broad'. Yes Donna.

the longest debt

So my first blog post and I'm attempting to do this from my phone so bare with me. Congratulations to B-rod for claiming back a 2 year old d
So my first blog post and I'm attempting to do this from my phone so bare with me. Congratulations to B-rod for claiming back a 2 year old debt of £30. Broad to you and your ability to be patient. "I Salute You"

Sunday, 27 December 2009

The Sunday Squeaky Weekly...

Time for the second edition of the sunday squeaky weekly.

Its been an odd week for me, but odd in a rad way. I hope everyone had a good christmas and are enjoying time off work/school/college/uni/whatever the fuck you lot do. Havnt had much chance to skate with the weather being shit as it has been. However I did have the priveledge of cleaning up broken glass and smashed up bricks on christmas day at the abingdon skatepark.

So im calling on the skateboarders of the world to start operating a no-bullshit policy. If you see anyone being a cunt at any skateparks, issue them with a severe beatdown. Its not our job to be sweeping up crap and cutting ourselves on other cunts glass.


On a lighter note, the last two days have been sick. We hit up zoo-ology for an undercover sesh just to scratch the skateboarding itch, and for today the plan was to hit up Paris for the day using the Eurostar.

However once we realised that we had all been stupidly pissed/cronned up when this was planned (the night before), and it probably wasnt going to happen, we decided on London instead, a much more realistic decision.

We hit up royal oak, then thought itd be a good idea to try and hook up with some mates in Crawley, so we battled through the centre of London in the wybesmobile (which is definatly a new experience for me) stopping to view all the tourist sights on the way. 2 hours later, we pulled up at Crawley and had the most fun session ive had in a very long time.

Just got home now, and im fucking shattered. So long in the car today, and im definatly bored of driving. Time to chill and take it easy, no more long journeys for me for a while!

Shit, up at 7am to drive to Canterbury, I was hoping id done my monthly stint on the M25, obviously not.

Bed time innit,

Peace and Love

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Christmas Cheer

It wouldnt be christmas without a Bob Dylan christmas album....

oh wait, it definatly would be, and a better one at that!

Had to share this...

Now I LOVE Bob Dylan, but this just upsets me

Try and have a good christmas...

Peace and love

Monday, 21 December 2009

Cutterz is icy

Best steer clear for a bit longer!

Photo: Ross Halliday

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Crossfire Jam

Little Jason went down to the Crossfire Xmas Jam the other weekend.

Surprisingly enough he did a big 360 flip (to flat) at some point. Dece though. 8/Peng

Photo: Smay

The Sunday Squeaky Weekly...

Winter is in full swing. Christmas just around the corner, snow blanketing our streets, and our fingers failing us as we try to roll that cigarette under a windy bus shelter.

Its not the best time of year for skateboarders, and Ive had the full on winter blues for the last week, not really helped by 2 freezing cold sessions and lots of slaphands under London's westway.

Then today I thought: FUCK THE COLD

Come on chaps, lets get on it. Wrap up warm, thermos flask full of coffee (or tea if your gay) and double up on socks.

Lots of trips to indoor parks and some more edits from neddington will hopefully give you some more motivation.

Plus, lets see what you lot have been up to? Send me links to any edits or send me photos to wack up on here. This is a noticeboard for the whole Oxfordshire skate scene and we want as much input as possible!

Peace and love

Dont let the winter get you down

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Barn Edit

I haven't been this on it in a while!

A little edit from a rip to The Barn a couple of weeks ago.

Soul captured: Sketch

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Eindoven '09 Edit.

Just a few bits from the latest trip to Holland. CLICK HERE TO WATCH

Featured rider: Big Baby

Oh and also...

Me and Neddy were having a chat earlier whilst sat out in the garden, and couldnt decide:

Whats better:

Tea and a zoot?


Coffee and a fag?

We all know its the latter.....

Peace and love

Eindhoven 2009

Eindhoven 2009

Last week, a few (and by a few I mean a shit load) of went for the annual pilgrimage to AREA51 skatepark in Eindhoven. My god what a weekend!

I might be wrong, but I think 17 of us headed over. Thats quite a crew, especially when theres two different groups of people staying in different hotels and coming back on different flights!

Some how it all came together quite nicely, and we got a lot of skating done (as well taking advantages of Hollands chilled out laws). Anyway, heres a few photos ive robbed off some people who came, hope they dont mind. Rad trip, rad crew, rad skate.

See you all next year!!

(ps, im new to all this technology so forgive me if this post is shit)

Monday, 14 December 2009

Welcome to Broad Street..

Ah Broad Street, world famous, home of Blackwells Bookshop and the first ever Oxfam, and the gateway from the centre towards the majority of oxford street spots. Broad Street is also the name given to the new Oxfordshire skate scene blog, which is going to be updated regularly with photos and edits to keep everyone as hyped as we are on Oxford skateboarding.

Theres alot going on in the Oxford skate scene at the moment. The cutteslowe kids are flipping into everything, the street rats are clocking up NBDs at the classic spots and the old men at the ramps are slaying it as always.

Anyway, its my bedtime, got to start an early shift at possibly Oxford's worst asset tomorow. Im going to leave you with the Oxford Video section from Viewfinder 2. Been used hundreds of times, but never gets old... Peace and Love