Rad BBQ at Wybseys on the Friday, Sproul and I went big on the food, some home-made Piri Piri chicken shit. Wybes, Broad and Olly were getting big on some other shit! This weekend was Broads turn to have a sick at Wybes' house. Which means it s me next week. RAD!
Anyway, myself, Sproul and Clit-Hero hit the streets on Saturday. Footage racked up at a variety of shite Oxford spots, followed by a little warm down at Abingdon.
Sunday saw a mass street on-slaught. Some Community Pillock kicked us off this manny spot in Abbers, taking down mad fake names! Bit of a street sesh, got a bit of footage, then a warm down at Abingdon followed, only to find some kind of Rollerblading convention waiting to greet us, who had kindly turned the park into an ice rink. Cheers.
French Greg was on hand to capture some souls via digital camera.
Alex Brewster - Pole Jam
Neddy - Fs Shuv
Racked up over a minute of useable street footage, always good. Plus people gots shit to go back and get. Bring on next weekend.
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